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Actor Chris Pine is captured by Matthias Vriens-McGrath for the November 2010 issue of Details magazine.

2010年10月31日 星期日
2010年10月29日 星期五
D&G Time ft. Florian Bourdila & Nils Butler

Dolce&Gabbana unveiled the first clip of a new series promoting their time pieces. Themed as a picnic with (sexy) friends, the spot includes models Florian Bourdila and Nils Butler.

Alexandru Eftimie by Tibi Clenci | Ménage à Trois
Alexandru Eftimie by Tibi Clenci | Ménage à Trois: "

Allure model Alexandru Eftimie is the center of attention in ‘Ménage à Trois’ by Tibi Clenci, published in the March 2010 issue of FHM Romania. The editorial was styled by Ciprian Sipos with makeup by Jenny Matea.

2010年10月27日 星期三
2010年10月26日 星期二
2010年10月25日 星期一
2010年10月21日 星期四
Tobias, Florian & Max by Stephen Shore | Details

Photographer Stephen Shore captures models Tobias Sørensen, Florian Bourdila and Max Motta in a street style editorial for the November 2010 issue of Details magazine. The boys were styled by Paul Stura in double-breasted jackets.

2010年10月20日 星期三
巴黎的櫥窗《 Printemps Loves New York 》
J.CREW 2010 11月男裝LookBook
J.CREW下個月的男裝LookBook真的是好Urban Chic唷~,許多穿著都好好看;其中像是灰色毛呢西裝外套以及軍綠外套似乎是秋冬季的必備品,簡單搭配牛仔褲或卡其休閒褲就很有味道,不曉得你有從中獲得一些穿搭靈感嗎?
Photo Credit : J.CREW
Chris Pine by Matthias Vriens-McGrath

Actor Chris Pine is captured by Matthias Vriens-McGrath for the November 2010 issue of Details magazine.

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Blog Archive
- 西門町的街頭塗鴉
- D&G Time ft. Florian Bourdila & Nils Butler
- Alexandru Eftimie by Tibi Clenci | Ménage à Trois
- 電影"華爾街"中出現過的名錶
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- 台灣正瘋Uniqlo日本買氣卻慘跌
- Tobias, Florian & Max by Stephen Shore | Details
- 巴黎的櫥窗《 Printemps Loves New York 》
- J.CREW 2010 11月男裝LookBook
- Chris Pine by Matthias Vriens-McGrath
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- GQ октябрь 2010, фото Nathaniel Goldberg
- David Andersen Denmark Fall Winter 2010.11
- Robbie Wadge by Vincent Nord | An Englishman in Ne...
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- COACH男士背包和精品皮帶款
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